How can I dynamically update a data validation list in Excel based on unique values from a filtered table?
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How can I dynamically update a data validation list in Excel based on unique values from a filtered table?

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Are you tired of manually updating data validation lists in Excel every time your data changes? Do you want to learn how to create dynamic data validation lists that automatically update based on unique values from a filtered table? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll take you through a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this feat.

What is Data Validation in Excel?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly review what data validation is in Excel. Data validation is a feature that allows you to restrict the input data in a cell or range of cells to a specific format or set of values. This feature helps to ensure data consistency and accuracy by limiting the user’s input options.

Why Use Dynamic Data Validation Lists?

Static data validation lists can become outdated quickly, especially when working with large datasets that change frequently. Dynamic data validation lists, on the other hand, can save you time and effort by automatically updating based on the unique values from a filtered table. This approach ensures that your data validation lists are always up-to-date and accurate.

Step 1: Prepare Your Data

For this example, let’s assume you have a table with sales data, and you want to create a dynamic data validation list based on the unique values from the “Region” column.

Region Sales
North 100
South 200
East 300
West 400
North 500
South 600

Step 2: Create a Unique List of Values

To create a unique list of values from the “Region” column, you can use the following formula:


Assuming your data is in the range A1:B7, this formula will return a list of unique values from the “Region” column.

Step 3: Create a Named Range

To make the formula more dynamic, let’s create a named range for the unique list of values. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the range where you want to create the named range (e.g., C2:C6)
  2. Go to the Formula tab > Define Name
  3. In the “Name” field, enter a name for your range (e.g., “UniqueRegions”)
  4. In the “Refers to” field, enter the formula: =UNIQUE(A2:A8)
  5. Click OK

Step 4: Create a Data Validation List

Now that you have a named range with the unique list of values, you can create a data validation list. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the cell where you want to create the data validation list (e.g., E2)
  2. Go to the Data tab > Data Validation
  3. In the “Settings” tab, select “Allow” > “List”
  4. In the “Source” field, enter: =UniqueRegions
  5. Click OK

Now, when you select the cell E2, you’ll see a dropdown list of unique values from the “Region” column.

Step 5: Filter the Data and Update the List

To dynamically update the data validation list based on a filtered table, you’ll need to use the FILTER function. Let’s assume you want to filter the data by a specific criteria, such as “Sales” > 300.

=FILTER(A2:B7, B2:B7 > 300)

This formula will return a filtered range of data where the sales are greater than 300.

To update the named range and data validation list, you’ll need to modify the formula to:

=UNIQUE(FILTER(A2:A8, B2:B8 > 300))

Update the named range formula by going to the Formula tab > Define Name, and then clicking on the “Edit” button next to the named range “UniqueRegions”.

Once you’ve updated the formula, the data validation list will dynamically update to show only the unique values from the filtered table.

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to consider:

  • Use the INDEX-MATCH function combination to return unique values from a filtered table.
  • Use the AGGREGATE function to ignore errors when returning unique values from a filtered table.
  • Use a helper column to create a dynamic dropdown list based on multiple criteria.
  • Use VBA macros to automate the process of updating the data validation list.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to dynamically update a data validation list in Excel based on unique values from a filtered table. By following these steps, you can create dynamic and interactive data validation lists that save you time and effort. Remember to adapt the formulas and approaches to your specific use case, and don’t hesitate to explore more advanced techniques and variations.

Happy Excel-ing!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with static data validation lists in Excel? Want to know the secret to dynamically updating them based on unique values from a filtered table?

How do I create a dynamic data validation list in Excel?

To create a dynamic data validation list, you’ll need to use a combination of formulas and functions. First, create a named range for your filtered table, and then use the OFFSET function to return a range of unique values. Next, use the INDEX function to return an array of unique values, and finally, use the DATA VALIDATION function to create a list based on that array. VoilĂ !

What formula do I use to return a range of unique values in Excel?

The secret formula is: =OFFSET(uniqueValues, 0, 0, COUNTA(uniqueValues), 1), where “uniqueValues” is the named range of your filtered table. This formula returns a range of unique values, which you can then use to create your dynamic data validation list.

How do I filter my table to return only unique values?

Easy peasy! Use the FILTER function to filter your table, and then use the UNIQUE function to return only the unique values. The formula looks like this: =FILTER(UNIQUE(A:A), (A:A<>“”)). Just replace “A:A” with your column range, and you’re good to go!

Can I use a pivot table to create a dynamic data validation list?

Yes, you can! A pivot table is a great way to create a dynamic data validation list. Simply create a pivot table with the field you want to use for your list, and then use the pivot table’s data to create your data validation list. Just be sure to refresh the pivot table whenever your data changes.

Will my dynamic data validation list update automatically when my data changes?

You bet! As long as you’ve set up your formulas correctly, your dynamic data validation list will update automatically whenever your data changes. Just make sure to set up your named ranges and formulas correctly, and you’ll be golden!

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