Getting 404 Error with Mailchimp Webhook URL in API Gateway? Here’s the Fix!
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Getting 404 Error with Mailchimp Webhook URL in API Gateway? Here’s the Fix!

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Are you tired of encountering the dreaded 404 error when trying to integrate Mailchimp webhooks with API Gateway? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the common reasons behind this frustrating issue and provide you with a step-by-step guide to resolve it once and for all.

The Error: 404 Not Found

When you try to set up a Mailchimp webhook in API Gateway, you might encounter the following error message:

  "message": "Not Found"

Or, you might see a more cryptic error message, such as:

  "error": "Not Found",
  "error_description": "The requested resource could not be found."

Regardless of the error message, the result is the same: your Mailchimp webhook fails to integrate with API Gateway, leaving you wondering what went wrong.

Common Causes of the 404 Error

Before we dive into the solution, let’s identify the common causes of the 404 error when integrating Mailchimp webhooks with API Gateway:

  • Incorrect API Gateway URL: Typos, incorrect formatting, or invalid characters in the API Gateway URL can lead to a 404 error.
  • Missing or Incorrect API Key: Failing to provide a valid API key or using an incorrect one can result in authentication issues and a 404 error.
  • Incompatible API Gateway Configuration: Misconfigured API Gateway settings, such as incorrect HTTP methods or content types, can cause the webhook to fail.
  • Mailchimp Webhook Misconfiguration: Incorrectly setting up the Mailchimp webhook, such as using the wrong callback URL or not enabling the webhook, can lead to a 404 error.
  • Network Connectivity Issues: Temporary network outages or connectivity problems can cause the webhook to fail and return a 404 error.

Step-by-Step Solution to Resolve the 404 Error

Now that we’ve identified the common causes, let’s follow a step-by-step guide to resolve the 404 error and successfully integrate Mailchimp webhooks with API Gateway:

Step 1: Verify API Gateway URL and API Key

Double-check your API Gateway URL and API key to ensure they are correct and valid:

Make sure to replace YOUR_API_GATEWAY_URL, YOUR_REGION, and YOUR_STAGE_NAME with your actual API Gateway URL, region, and stage name, respectively.

Verify that your API key is correct and valid by checking the API Gateway console or using the AWS CLI command:

aws apigateway get-rest-api --rest-api-id YOUR_API_GATEWAY_ID --query 'items[0].apiKey'

Step 2: Configure API Gateway Correctly

Ensure that your API Gateway is configured correctly:

    Type: AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi
      Name: !Sub 'my-api-${AWS::Region}'
      Description: My API
          - REGIONAL
        - HttpMethod: POST
          ResourcePath: /
          Authorization: NONE

In the above example, we’ve configured the API Gateway to accept POST requests on the root path (/) with no authorization.

Step 3: Set up Mailchimp Webhook Correctly

Verify that your Mailchimp webhook is set up correctly:

Log in to your Mailchimp account, go to the Settings section, and click on Webhooks. Then, click on Add a webhook and enter the following details:

Callback URL:

Replace YOUR_API_GATEWAY_URL, YOUR_REGION, and YOUR_STAGE_NAME with your actual API Gateway URL, region, and stage name, respectively.

Make sure to enable the webhook by toggling the switch to the Enabled position:

Webhook Name Callback URL Enabled
My Webhook Enabled

Step 4: Test the Integration

Test the integration by sending a sample request to the API Gateway URL:

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"key": "value"}'

If everything is set up correctly, you should receive a response from the API Gateway:

  "statusCode": 200,
  "body": "Hello from API Gateway!"


In this article, we’ve identified the common causes of the 404 error when integrating Mailchimp webhooks with API Gateway and provided a step-by-step guide to resolve the issue. By following these instructions, you should be able to successfully integrate Mailchimp webhooks with API Gateway and start receiving webhook notifications.

Remember to double-check your API Gateway URL and API key, configure API Gateway correctly, set up the Mailchimp webhook correctly, and test the integration to ensure everything is working as expected.

If you’re still encountering issues, feel free to reach out to the API Gateway or Mailchimp support teams for further assistance.

Bonus Tip: Debugging API Gateway Errors

If you’re still encountering errors, try enabling API Gateway logging and debug mode to get more detailed error messages:

  Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Stage
    StageName: !Sub 'my-stage-${AWS::Region}'
    RestApiId: !Ref MyAPI
    DeploymentId: !Ref MyDeployment
      DataTraceEnabled: true
      LogLevel: INFO
      - HttpMethod: POST
        ResourcePath: /
        MetricsEnabled: true
        DataTraceEnabled: true
        LoggingLevel: INFO

This will allow you to capture detailed logs and error messages, making it easier to debug and resolve issues.

I hope this article has helped you resolve the 404 error and successfully integrate Mailchimp webhooks with API Gateway. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t let 404 errors ruin your API Gateway experience! We’ve got the answers to your Mailchimp Webhook URL woes.

Why am I getting a 404 error when I test my Mailchimp Webhook URL in API Gateway?

Make sure you’ve correctly configured your API Gateway endpoint to accept POST requests. Double-check that the endpoint URL matches the one you’ve specified in Mailchimp. If you’re still stuck, try testing your endpoint using a tool like Postman to identify the issue.

I’ve checked my endpoint URL, but I’m still getting a 404 error. What else could be the problem?

Take a closer look at your API Gateway’s integration request and response. Ensure that the integration request is set up to handle the payload from Mailchimp correctly. You might need to specify a mapping template or adjust the request body to match Mailchimp’s expected format.

How do I troubleshoot my Mailchimp Webhook URL in API Gateway?

Enable API Gateway’s logging and monitoring features to get more insight into the requests and responses. You can also test your webhook by sending a sample request from Mailchimp to your API Gateway endpoint. Use tools like AWS CloudWatch or AWS X-Ray to identify the source of the issue.

Can I use a proxy resource in API Gateway to handle my Mailchimp Webhook URL?

Yes, you can use a proxy resource in API Gateway to handle your Mailchimp Webhook URL. This allows you to forward incoming requests from Mailchimp to a backend service or Lambda function. Just make sure to configure the proxy resource correctly to handle the payload and request method expected by your backend service.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when setting up a Mailchimp Webhook URL in API Gateway?

Don’t forget to enable CORS if you’re testing from a web browser, and ensure that your API Gateway endpoint is configured to handle the correct request method (POST, in this case). Also, beware of typos in your endpoint URL, and make sure your Mailchimp account is configured to send webhooks to the correct URL.