Solving the Infamous SQL Server Error: “Incorrect syntax near ‘;'” (102)
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Solving the Infamous SQL Server Error: “Incorrect syntax near ‘;'” (102)

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Are you tired of banging your head against the wall because your Python script keeps failing with the dreaded “Incorrect syntax near ‘;'” error (102) from SQL Server? Well, put down that hammer and take a deep breath, because this article is here to guide you through the troubleshooting process and get your script up and running in no time!

What’s Causing the Error?

The “Incorrect syntax near ‘;'” error typically occurs when SQL Server encounters an unexpected semicolon (;) in your SQL query. But don’t worry, it’s not always as straightforward as finding an extra semicolon in your code. There are several reasons why this error might occur, including:

  • Syntax errors in your SQL query: A misplaced or incorrect use of semicolons, commas, or other punctuation can cause the error.
  • Incorrectly formatted string literals: Unclosed or malformed string literals can lead to the error.
  • SQL injection vulnerabilities: Improperly sanitized user input can introduce malicious SQL code, causing the error.
  • Driver or library issues: Problems with the SQL Server driver or Python libraries can also trigger the error.

Troubleshooting Steps

To fix the error, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Review your SQL query: Carefully examine your SQL query for any syntax errors or incorrect use of semicolons. Check for:
    • Unclosed quotes or parentheses
    • Mismatched or missing brackets
    • Incorrectly placed semicolons or commas

            # Example of a faulty SQL query
            cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'John';' AND age > 18")

    In this example, the semicolon after ‘John’ is incorrect and should be removed.

  2. Check for string literal issues: Ensure that string literals are correctly formatted and closed. For example:
  3.         # Correctly formatted string literal
            cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = 'John''s'")

    In this example, the string literal ‘John”s’ is correctly formed with an escaped apostrophe.

  4. Sanitize user input: When working with user input, always sanitize it to prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities. Use parameterized queries or prepared statements to ensure secure input handling.
  5.         # Parameterized query example
            username = "John"
            cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ?", (username,))

    In this example, the `?` placeholder is used to bind the `username` variable, ensuring safe input handling.

  6. Verify driver and library versions: Ensure that your SQL Server driver and Python libraries are up-to-date and compatible. You can check the versions using:
  7.         import pyodbc

    Make sure to update your drivers and libraries if necessary.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

When troubleshooting the “Incorrect syntax near ‘;'” error, be mindful of the following common pitfalls:

Pitfall Description
Copy-pasting SQL queries Avoid copying and pasting SQL queries from other sources, as this can introduce syntax errors or incompatible syntax.
Ignoring error messages Don’t ignore error messages or warnings. Always investigate and address the root cause of the issue.
Not testing queries Always test your SQL queries in a controlled environment before executing them in your Python script.
Not sanitizing user input Failing to sanitize user input can lead to SQL injection vulnerabilities and other security issues.

Best Practices for SQL Query Development

To avoid the “Incorrect syntax near ‘;'” error and other SQL-related issues, follow these best practices:

  • Use parameterized queries: Always use parameterized queries or prepared statements to ensure secure input handling.
  • Test queries thoroughly: Test your SQL queries in a controlled environment before executing them in your Python script.
  • Use a consistent coding style: Follow a consistent coding style and formatting convention to avoid syntax errors.
  • Regularly update drivers and libraries: Keep your SQL Server driver and Python libraries up-to-date to ensure compatibility and fix known issues.


The “Incorrect syntax near ‘;'” error (102) from SQL Server can be frustrating, but by following the troubleshooting steps and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to identify and fix the issue. Remember to carefully review your SQL query, sanitize user input, and use parameterized queries to ensure secure and efficient data interactions.

So, the next time your Python script encounters this error, don’t panic! Follow the steps, and with a little patience and attention to detail, you’ll be back to smoothly executing your SQL queries in no time.

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re struggling with a python script that keeps failing with the error “[SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near ‘';'’ (102) (SQLExecDirectW)”, you’re not alone! Check out these frequently asked questions to get to the root of the issue.

What does the error “[SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near ‘';'’ (102) (SQLExecDirectW)” mean?

This error usually means that there’s a syntax error in your SQL query. It’s like trying to speak a language with incorrect grammar – the SQL server just can’t understand what you’re trying to say! In this case, the syntax error is related to the semicolon (‘;’) character. Make sure you’re using it correctly in your query.

How can I identify the incorrect syntax in my SQL query?

Take a closer look at your SQL query and check for any unnecessary semicolons, quotes, or mismatched brackets. You can also try breaking down your query into smaller parts and testing each section individually to isolate the issue. Additionally, consider using a SQL linter or validator to help you catch syntax errors.

Is the error related to the Python script or the SQL query?

The error message “[SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near ‘';'’ (102) (SQLExecDirectW)” suggests that the issue is with the SQL query itself, not the Python script. However, it’s possible that the Python script is generating the SQL query dynamically, which could be causing the syntax error. Check your Python code to see how it’s constructing the SQL query and make sure it’s correct.

Can I use a try-except block to catch and handle the error?

Yes, you can use a try-except block in your Python script to catch and handle the error. However, this should be a last resort. It’s better to fix the underlying syntax error in your SQL query rather than just catching and ignoring the error. If you do decide to use a try-except block, make sure you’re logging or printing the error message so you can debug and fix the issue.

Are there any tools or libraries that can help me debug the issue?

Yes, there are several tools and libraries that can help you debug the issue. For example, you can use a Python library like SQLAlchemy or pyodbc to interact with your SQL server and get more detailed error messages. You can also use a SQL client tool like SQL Server Management Studio or Azure Data Studio to execute and test your SQL queries. Additionally, consider using a Python IDE with a built-in debugger to step through your code and identify the issue.

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